Sunday, June 8, 2008

Greetings from the cage!

Hey Mommy!! and Dad
How's it going? How bout them Jazz?!!!  2-2 in the series now!  That's what I'm talking about.  We just gotta steal one at their place now.  We love the articles and the the updates!  I never know the elders you talk about with missionary moms thing!  The language is coming along great! I know I have tons of work to do, but it is becoming lots of fun.  Last night we were up kinda late saying goodbye to Okamoto choro and gushiken Choro.  They are from Tokyo and Okanau respectively.  They are heading to New Jersey and San Fran.  We always kick  it with them and work on our language skills, or lack there of.  Elder Mozingo says hi.  Him and Elder Stevenson are doing great!  Nope, we get our travel plans this Friday!  I'm so pumped!!!  Sounds like all of Ian and Wyatt's sports are doing well. And Hayley's!  She was so pumped about her first win in her email.  That's so awesome.  Are Ian and Wyatt in Acceleration yet?  That's the key to a successful senior year!!  I'm stoked to see brant on Wednesday!!  K so... we need a going away party in a box!  a.k.a.  tons of energy drinks, bubbly, chips and salsa, you know, the works!!!  Umm, about the bike situation, and airport.  Do send the prepaid phone.  That would be good, the bike I'll write about more later today. :-)  I know there's more stuff I need and want to say, but it's way too early to remember what it is.  Tell Ian to write me!!! He's slacking!  I'm really having a blast up here!!  This language is dope!  I wanna get there so bad though.  There are monkeys in Japan, cool huh? and dragons!  I have some cool stories to tell, but it will have to wait for the snail mail, later on today!
Love you tonz,
Elder Gatchell

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