Sunday, June 8, 2008

Elder Gatchell

Hey mommy<, and dad

How are you doing this lovely morning? :-)  I'm doing great. I love contacting the outside world.  Elder stevenson is reeading me the email from his dad. Maybe you didn't get my letter yet, but his dad got called to the first quorum of the seventy. Crazy! He's telling the story of having to walk up on the stand during conference. haha he was so nervous, thought he'd be the first ever to trip on the stairs.  I'm still loving it here, but wow is this language nuts.  I'm so horrible at memorizing stuff.  This is the last week with anything in english. As of this friday, we are in japanese for everything, no matter what it is.  They won't even translate for us what they're trying to say. :-S It's so rough. They talk so fast, and all the words just blend together. oh well haha.  I'm stoked you got that house sold.  What goes around, comes around right.  It's P day, which is nice, but our district is upping our game on SYL( speak your language) so we're struggling too.  I know the lord will bless us for struggling though.  I like the quote, :you have to reach up, before he reaches down."  I'm definitely doing my part, so I know he'll make up the difference.  I had some really cool spiritual events this weekend. I will share them in my written letter.  I just wanna say, how awesome was conference?!  Wow this is the true church. It was so evident during all the talks.  I have 23 pages of notes!!  Me, tanner gatchell took 23 pages of notes! :-S yikes.  Well, Elder Childs is great. He's got a bunch of letters, and his family and ?girlfriend? wrote him as well.  So, I think you're good for a while. :-)  That was awesome what you did though. :-)  You can always get at Elders Hollis, and  Harman in my district from Australia. That would be cool.  They're both from brisbane.  How is everyone doing?  Did Wyatt get my package?  Keep sending the sports updates. We love em. :-)  Yesterday was our Temple picture day with the Sempai.  We got loads of great pix.  Tons with me, Stevenson, and Mozingo. :-)  So expect some of those.  I love these guys. I'm so glad they are here in "the cage" with me.  They make life so much better.  We are nuts.  You would like them alot.  And they're Aggies!  How could you go wrong?  We're always making byu jokes, and everyone here gets so mad.  I've had so many byu kids try to argue with me how much better BYU is and I just smoke them, cause they're all sheltered and have never left provo in their life.  It's hilarious.  We always Joke how they walk around as theresomes in like ranking order.  President, First counselor, and second counselor, and pretty much introduce themselves that way. hahaha  Ah I love it here!  I really have so much to tell you.  I wish I had time.  I am writing a ton in my journal though, so you can read that when I fill it. :-)  Well I'm down to 5 min. and Iwill wanna get back on and check this later.  So I'm out, sorry it's so short.  Love you tons,
Elder Gatchell

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